The trip was good, and so was the company. It seemed like we could go no higher, but the road seemed to continue forever. The long ride allowed us to have a close time without the interruption of cell phones or the Internet or friends or family or jobs or unemployment or school. We just drove until we ran out of road, and when we ran out of road, we stared down that great mountain, and watched as the clouds opened up and revealed its great mass. We returned to the car and coasted all the way down.
Jack and Jill went up the hill
to fetch a photo or two
Jill took a trip
and replaced her hip
They use to get a table for deux
but Jill found god
so Jack was odd
and now they're both singles moreover
no one's to blame
and they're not ashamed
just bored and lonely and sober
Happy new year space travelers. May 2008 be a year to remember. Remember, get your animals spayed or neutered.
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