A little background for everyone. Prior to my arrival Space Traveler Lazer Winkelbot had prepared many different plans for her hero's arrival. My Chapter in Seattle, would be very full of activity. On my first day, we went to San Juan Island.

We drove on to a ferry. I couldn't tell which end was the front. I think ferries, have both boy and girl motor parts. They seem to be the hermaphrodites of the vehicle world. Standing at what I think was the back I watch us depart from the mainland.

We were going to the San Juan islands, because of the Orcas. Orcas are really cool, or at least that's what we've been told o believe. These orcas, would prove to be too cool for us, and went cruising for babes.
Look! Real Whale bones! Whales are big monstrous sea demons with no off switch. Fathers hide your daughters.
We did see one orca, but it was frozen in carbonite. I don't know how this baby orca pissed off Jaba the Hut, but we decided to not get involved.
On a more home front issue, we found a stool for the less important of the engineering world. E-man short for Industrial Engineer, is somewhat of a engineering joke. They are the cross pollination of engineering with management. Somehow, I think that the engineering traits are more recessive, and less dominate. Anyway, this stood, is for Space Travellers Colby, Veggie, Whitney. Your charge is to now venture to the island of San Juan, and sit on your throne of sadness.
Well, not much today to report Space Travellers, but I will answer some questions now that have been stacking up.
JesusIzMyHomeboy writes: Chi, I thought you promised photos from chapter 2 from Phoenix?
Uh... Sorry about that, and I'm still working on that. Space Traveler LeiWU is slightly delinquent in getting me the pictures and video from that chapter. Keep your dominion little one. next question...
DougieFresh writes: What is going to happen to the blog when the story is over?
Well Dougie, thanks for asking! The truth is the story never ends. I think of my life as an ongoing journey. Perhaps the posts wont be as regular, but I still plan on keeping all Space Travellers updated on my life. Some future travel specific adventure may include Washington DC, and any trips I take during the school year. Being that I'm going to be working really hard to get a job for when I graduate, I plan on documenting that journey too! As far as your hero is concerned, the story is just beginning.
BabyGurl85 writes: Aren't you just delusional? Does anybody actually read your stupid blog? Are you sure you're not gay?
Hi BabyGurl85! Congrats on the really awesome handle. I get a sense of your creativity, and a meter for how old you are. I can compare how old you are, with the maturity you display then compare that to other behaviors of others with a similar age. That comparison will be used to create a opinion of you. Am I delusional? I hope so. I'm banking that this web space is able to float on my overactive imagination alone. Does anyone read this? I hope not. I am a little concerned that the blog is getting close to 1000 hits. You know ho this works. first someone reads the blog.
Then they tell two friends.
Then they tell two friends.Then they tell two friends.
Sooner of later, this is no longer the worst kept embarrassment of the interweb, and I'm having to answer question from your friend BadGurl87 about what a Space Traveller is. Am I gay? Much to the disappointment of many no. I am not. By the way, thanks for finding my email!
Well Space Trallevers, thanks for all the comments and questions. I look forward to answering more and more of them as I complete this adventure. If you want your question featured in the blog, shoot me an email at ast244@umr.edu. I am open to questions about the trip, life, the universe, personal stuff, job searching, and most other nonsense.

1 Bumper Stickers:
It's "photo machine" not "camera machine"!
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