Friday, February 12, 2010

vLog Unspecial 04: Religious Entitlement & Irony Purists

1 Bumper Stickers:

David said...

Similar to the point about how many Christians think Christianity is the "go-to" religion when it comes to "belief," I also find that many who believe in "god" in whatever context think that such belief is the default, and that not believing is somehow an active intellectual pursuit. What is often not understood is the idea that a lack of belief in a given something is the default until it is established that such a something does actually exist. Thus, based on the "evidence" given for the existence of "god" (in whatever context), I observe that such a "fact" has yet to be shown credible, and therefore it is appropriate for me to lack a belief on the matter until the situation changes.

I am therefore functionally, and by default, an agnostic atheist.


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