
Thursday, May 6, 2010

vLog Unspecial 05: Lullaby

Good evening Space Travelers all timeouts come to an end and when you've got something to say (or sing), you should do it. No sense in dying with your music still inside.

It's not the greatest recording, and the urge to erase and rerecord was very strong, but I'm okay with it not being perfect. Anyone can be impressive, and singing into a desktop mic on a webcam in my gym clothes: Not charming. I guess no matter how I was clothed, I'd still at some level feel naked. shaaring this kind of thing is very personal and intimate.

I feel like many things are changing in me lately, and not just physically. I hope to share many of those things here, and perhaps with a melody at times. This boy has a song.

Sweet Dreams Space Travelers.

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