
Monday, January 12, 2009

New Hardware!

Good afternoon Space Travelers! I made a very proud purchase today. I got some camera accessories for Sunny (my camera). They are as follows...

A Wide Angle Lens

A Fish Eye Lens

A U/V Filter

A Polarized Filter

A Fluorescent Filter

I'm very pleased, and with inauguration on the horizon, I'm hoping to get some good photos.

Say "shrine!"


  1. I'm really jealous you're so close to the action.

  2. I'm really interested in how your lenses will affect... well, photos I suppose. Do you think you could take a photo of the same thing/object/scene with each of the lenses? I love to compare stuff like that.

  3. Ellie, Your request will be met. I was looking for an excuse to do exactly that and learn some new technique.
