
Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Chapter 6, Verse1: Finacial Planning

Good evening Space Travelers. I'm in San Ramon California, a outer community of the greater metropolitan area of San Fransisco. I'm staying with my Uncle Stephen. He's not my uncle by blood, but instead a long time family friend.
Stephen and my father grew up down the street from each other in San Diego. They quickly became good friends. Stephan and my dad were big time surfers in the San Diego Area and would surf everyday before and after school.

Being that I'm here, it was cool to get to talk to Stephan and learn some cool things about my Pops that I didn't know. You see, from sometime around the age of 16 until the age of 26 my father never seemed to walk in front of a camera. I've been since my 16th birthday looking for photos to see how much my father and I resemble each other. However, as I stated before, this was no easy task as few pictures existed. Fortunate for me, Stephan had some. It's odd seeing my dad at such a young age. I'll say this though, he has aged well. Once he grew his mustache, he doesn't look like he has aged at all.

I'll post a picture soon.

Stephan works as a financial planner. One of the things I've been curious about is how to plan out the next few years post grad, and finances are something that always are on my mind. At time of graduation, I will have about $25,000 in college loans. Uncle Stephen gave me some good tips on how to manage that debt over the following 5 years. I also learned about stock options and taxes on capitol gain.

Wait a second.

Yep, this is seriously the most boring post ever.

Hmmm.... Well other than that, I got in touch with my friend William Li. He went to UMR as well and graduated in 2005. I decided to go visit him the next day.

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