
Saturday, July 7, 2007

Chapter 4, Verse 9: Phorth of July

I know what you're thinking Space Travelers, and your right: The world is getting warmer, globally.

Anyways, I went downtown for the Phorth of July. Parking sucked, but I have found that in general, parking in San Diego is a sad thing. After some 30 mildly enjoyable minutes I found a parking spot infront of the Hall of Justice.

"A Hall of Justice, what's that?" you ask. A hall of justice is where numerous super heroes get together after a long day of busting evil-doer ass, a have some beers. They brag about saving the world etc, it's kind of like the Elks lodge, but for people who can fly, breathe fire, and crush cars with their mind.Maybe the Hall of Justice is a sponsor of this years Comic Con! Comic Con for those who don't know is a large travelling convention centered on Americans fascination with comic books. Seen above is one of many downtown advertisements for the convention in San Diego. Such public displays of comic fandom used to be licenced only to the nerdiest of nerds, namely the Trekkies. comic books were at one point in time believed to be a form of childhood fascination. After a few generations of comic book readers, the public has become more comfortable with comics expressing more adult themes. Some modern comics even approach real modern day issues such as the patriot act and human rights related issues. This along with the realization by many that comics are a profitable form of popular media has allowed for cities like San Diego to post large pictures of Iron Man on their light posts, and at the same time not being afraid of the local jocks beating up their city council members. Hell, even famous celebrities such as Snoop Dogg are frequent visitors to Comic Cons.

After successfully navigating downtown, I found my way to the harbor. Once their I boarded the USS Midway. The midway, is now a part of the San Diego Maritime Museum, which includes several historical ships.As I boarded the ship, I saw the biggest display of liberalisming. The poster above displays how this feel-good-every-child-should-have-a-trophy idea has infiltrated our Navy. That stupid whistle boy has his commanding officer saluting him while he does his one trick pony act and blows the whistle as a hard as he can.


Once, on the behemoth of a ship, the flight deck was a sea of lawn chairs and people. despite the fact that 3000 people were let aboard, it seemed that the ship handled the people with ease; only about half of the flight deck had human traffic on it.Despite the human traffic, the Midway was not allowing giants on the ship. In a great act of defiance, two giants seen below just made out in public outside of the ship. Oh the indecency of it all. Get a room already! A giant room!Feeling for the giants and not knowing how I could help I searched for other causes to adopt. I didn't search for long, a young private came up to me and told me about signing up to be a bone marrow donor.It didn't seem like a bad idea, so I went and talked to these hippies. I filled out a question sheet for them about my health and basic genetic make up. They didn't seem pleased that I had in recent history had anal sex with a man while in Africa while doing intravenous drugs when I was innocently getting my tongue pierced and that cute tattoo to commemorate that time I ate that homeless man. but despite their reluctance, they put me in the data base. They explained that if they took bone marrow from me that they'd take it out of my hip bones. This was their way of dancing around to avoid saying "butt surgery."But our hero, fears no butt surgery, not for America! While I waited for the sun to fall, and the fireworks to start I wandered around the flight deck and examined all the aircraft that were on display. Above you will see me with one of my all time favorites, the F-14 Tomcat. That's right, a Tomcat is actually not a cute Hollywood couple, but instead a deadly killing machine. For the biologists reading, after some lengthy research, it turns out a Tomcat is also a feline.

Happy Phorth of July Space Travelers. I hope that wherever you are, that you are with friends and family. I hope that you had a safe one. Until next time, this is goodbye San Diego. May your Comic Con be the envy of the nerd community. May Snoop Dogg bless your superheroes at the Hall of Justice. I'll miss you, "America's finest city."

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