
Sunday, June 10, 2007

Chapter 1, Verse 2: Wind Robots, God Robots, & Aviators

In the morning, I woke Lane to tell him I was leaving. He told me through his door to drive safe. It seemed like rational advice so I took it. Before leaving I played with the house cat, "Data," for a minute, then brushed my teeth.
Once on the road I found that western Oklahoma was really interesting! As you can tell by the crystal clear photo above, I was in high spirits. However, despite being my normal charming self, something was missing, and there were many miles before I'd be at my final destination for the day: Albuquerque, NM. Hey! Check it out! Earth propellers! Evaluating all empirical evidence available, I have two hypothesis as to their purpose.
1) These propellers spin and cause the world to spin! Fantastical!
2) Wind from thermal currents spins the propellers and generates energy! Clean Energy! All the energy we could ever want to power our oil wells and refineries!
Either way, I was pleased.

Once across the Texas, something seemed different. I couldn't quite place my finger on it, but in the vast expance that is Texas, I felt like I was safe, or saved... safed. Maybe it was because I was near the Western Hemisphere's largest cross! Being that I saw no giant Jesus on the iron cross, I came to the most rational conclusion: The Jesus robot was out on patrol patrol (if you don't get that joke, you need to see UCB).
Honestly though, A cross that size can save a lot of people. Like two busses full of sleeping children. Sadly, big as it may be, the giant robot cross was still insufficiant at saving a savage like me. Something was still missing, I thought is was salvation, but as I neared Amarillo I found what was missing.
Aviator sunglasses! Or as my esteemed friend Stir would say: "BAPS." Bad Ass Pilot Shades. Once acquired, my road stats certainly improved. More to come as I approach NM.

1 comment:

  1. You'll need sunglasses like that to shield your eyes from the blinding fires of hell as you burn for all eternity, heathen. I remember that giant cross from when we moved from Colorado to Missouri. It is indeed ridiculously large.

    You should put a progress map either in your posts or sidebar. I love the pictures so far though. It's like I'm on the trip, while in actuality I am in a basement lab in central Pennsylvania.
