
Monday, June 4, 2007

Chapter Zero: The End of the Prologue.

There were many odd sights on the way to Osh Kosh. Most ironic to note was passing a truck that "rented" (not sold) rain. The irony is that we were attacked by what I only describe as aggressive rain shower for what seemed to be all of Illinois. My personal feeling is that one should not have to pay to rent rain... Well perhaps in the southwest... I guess I'll find out in a few days.
You must be kidding.

Then of course there is "Freedom." Let me tell you that when I saw a sign for freedom, I was elated. My cheers were however short lived as would soon learn that freedom was a gas station. As we know, freedom isn't free, in fact it's closer to $3.25 for a gallon of freedom.

Freedom costs more than a buck'o'five.

Being at a NACURH conference is unlike anything else in college acadamia. The first and most notable thing is that staight men are the minority at these things. So to all single hetrosexual male readers out there, you may be interested in a career in housing or student affairs
Truman University's delegation in the MACURH regional meeting.
The NCCs: Craig, Brady, and myself in full Scottish kilts. Beck wanted to join in, but was kilt-less.
This was my room with a view. It was hot, but if the people across the hall opened their door a nice cross breeze would keep the rooms at a decent temperature.
Josie & Erin demonstrating that they know only one photo pose.
Many Delegations also made special clothing for the conference.
While it may seem like a blur in this photo, I assure you it is even more of a blur in reality. This is by my best guess about 500 people playing ride the pony.

I am very tired and my voice hurts from cheering. My Delegation was amazingly spirited and set a new standard in school pride. As the acting National Communications Coordinator for UMR in the cooperate board room, I was given an entirely new experience in this conference (My 5th). Something I learned in the boardroom is that I come from a long line of UMR NCCs with strong voices. I believe my actions were not be viewed as a reproach to our legacy. The only concerning thing about boardroom was the feeling I had when I left: In my mind the thought echoed that people don't care anymore; they have no passion; no drive to do what is needed. In this case I am speaking of a particular piece of legislation for which many proponents conceded was "imperfect." It made me sad, that people would knowingly do the wrong thing. The time it took to argue if it was worth revisiting the issue, we could have amended the legislation and made for national consensus. instead, I personally feel that I am now challenged to find a way to be forward looking and proactive about my responsibilities in the future.

All serious business aside, I had a blast. I was unfortunately unimpressed with the conference as a whole in terms of organization and logistics. When the closing ceremony ran over by almost two hours, I felt like the fluff speeches was like being stabbed with a knife covered in glitter.

"Sir there's glitter in this wound."

I am home now in Springfield, even if only for a few days. I leave soon for the big trip, and I am ready for my next adventure. While driving back from OshKosh, I can't tell you how relieved I was to see St. Louis. I wonder what kinds of feelings I will have as I return from the big trip on the way home in my final chapter?

The arch looks its best from the Illinois side of the Mississippi river bank. The downside is that you are in east STL!


  1. Hey we know a couple other poses! =)
    Plus, you couldn't love us as much if we didn't do our gangsta faces!

  2. Two things, and I shall letter rather than number them:
    A)It's good to see there are actually cool...pardon, no...Entertaining? people at Truman. ( I am of course referencing one Sam "Fern" Iforgotthebitch'slastname)

    B)You are in fact wearing bed sheets, not kilts. I went to school with a scottsman, and I'll have him hunt you down and slit your throat. (with a glitter covered knife?-you're a homo)

    happy travels!
