
Sunday, June 24, 2007

Chapter 4, Verse 4: Midway Home

Salutations Space Travelers! I'm a bit behind in my posts I know, but I've had lots on my schedule.

Right now in San Diego, they have what they call "June Gloom." Before the emo kids stick a flag in the ground and claim SD for the nation of Sadness Forever, I should tell you that "June Gloom" is really not that bad when compared to the mind-altering heat and humidity of the Midwest. Humorously enough though, my Aunt keeps apologizing for the weather.My Uncle was really excited when I told him, that I'd go kayaking with him in the bay, so we woke up unnaturally early and drove to Coronado Island. We put the boat in on the bay side of the island, and at that time, the fog still had yet to burn off.At first we paddled around the sheltered side of the island, but then we crossed over to the city side and maneuvered about the Maritime Museum. Above you will note your favorite Space traveller in awe of the famous USS Midway, which is mothballed here in the the San Diego Bay. It has been converted into a museum since it was decommissioned in 1992, but more about that later.I wanted to stick around the Midway longer, but it was awkward. Their were giants making out on shore.The "Star of India" is a old ship here in the bay. It is actually fully functional, and once a year, they sail it, to keep it certified. Barely out of frame on the left is another ship. The ship that you can't see very well is actually owned by Fox studios, and is the ship from "Master and Commander." I decided that I would claim both boats for the Ninjas of the world, just to enrage the Pirates that are land locked. Also out of frame is a old Russian Submarine that is being repaired and turned into a museum. I claimed that one too, but for other reasons.My Uncle took me under several piers in the kayak. I played it cool, but secretly I am terrified of anything I see underwater. The notion of tipping the kayak while under these creepy piers made me sweat pure terror. Every time we would pass a old wooden pillar under the water, I would imagine every type of horrifying creature crawling up it with malicous intent for yours truly. Magnificently creepy says me.Later after the bay, I connected with my long time San Diego friend Drew. Drew and I were introduced as children by my Aunt and his Mother. Every time I come out to San Diego, I connect with Drew, and we hang out. Today, we went to a Padres baseball game.A padre, for those who don't know is a friar. San Diego is home to several missions that predate the city. they were built by the Spanish in early colonial times. I learned a few things about the padres mascot.

1) He sometimes wears a Pope costume, complete with hat.

2) No matter what direction the mascot is facing, the eyes seem to look at you.

3) Mascots are creepier than underwater spooks.

I thought that he was going to start pulling children into the field and start baptizing them with Powerade. I stayed clear of the wall during batting practice.It was a day game, and the sun was wicked intense. By the 5th inning the shade had finally blessed us. Being that I went to my first professional baseball game last summer, I now have seen two stadiums: Busch Stadium ("Baseball Heaven") and PetCo Park. Not that I'm really into sports but I'm going to comfortably say that the Cardinals have a MUCH better stadium.

I begrudgingly report however that I am slowly becoming a fan of a sport. I know. I'm betraying all that is being a nerd, but going to a baseball game is enjoyable on many levels. It's a interesting place where people interact. It's very exciting and wherever I end up post grad, I hope they have a baseball team. My apologies.Like any downtown stadium, as you leave you are immersed in the oddest of characters. Seeing the man above, I had to remember that JFK doesn't actually eat bicyclists for energy, that JFK like 87 octane unleaded fuel.

I was however inspired to join Drew on his 4th of July plans. As we were leaving the downtown area we stopped and bought tickets for a 4th of July celebration on the USS Midway. I found it to be a delightful coincidence that I had been to the ship twice in one day and it seemed like a very unique opportunity to take advantage of. The coolest thing about the event is that I will be on the actual flight deck of the Midway during the fireworks and I'll get the chance to touch several Naval Aircraft that are on display there. Too cool right?

Well Space travellers, It's been a long day, and I still have another day's post to get you all caught up on my adventures. Stay strong, and wash your hands frequently.


  1. Yes! Another person converted to the wonderful sport which is baseball. It truly is an experience interacting with fans... have you never been to a Cardinals game?

  2. Yeah. I've actually been to two Cards games. I wish I had got to go to the old stadium before it was torn down.
