After flying, we got some wicked good Mexican food, and I discovered the video function! Behold: My cousin Christa, forever immortalized in the interwebnet.
Atagirl... BTW Space Travellers, we're at aver 500 hits! Thanks!
After flying, we got some wicked good Mexican food, and I discovered the video function! Behold: My cousin Christa, forever immortalized in the interwebnet.
Atagirl... BTW Space Travellers, we're at aver 500 hits! Thanks!
1) He sometimes wears a Pope costume, complete with hat.
2) No matter what direction the mascot is facing, the eyes seem to look at you.
3) Mascots are creepier than underwater spooks.
I thought that he was going to start pulling children into the field and start baptizing them with Powerade. I stayed clear of the wall during batting practice.It was a day game, and the sun was wicked intense. By the 5th inning the shade had finally blessed us. Being that I went to my first professional baseball game last summer, I now have seen two stadiums: Busch Stadium ("Baseball Heaven") and PetCo Park. Not that I'm really into sports but I'm going to comfortably say that the Cardinals have a MUCH better stadium.
I begrudgingly report however that I am slowly becoming a fan of a sport. I know. I'm betraying all that is being a nerd, but going to a baseball game is enjoyable on many levels. It's a interesting place where people interact. It's very exciting and wherever I end up post grad, I hope they have a baseball team. My apologies.Like any downtown stadium, as you leave you are immersed in the oddest of characters. Seeing the man above, I had to remember that JFK doesn't actually eat bicyclists for energy, that JFK like 87 octane unleaded fuel.
I was however inspired to join Drew on his 4th of July plans. As we were leaving the downtown area we stopped and bought tickets for a 4th of July celebration on the USS Midway. I found it to be a delightful coincidence that I had been to the ship twice in one day and it seemed like a very unique opportunity to take advantage of. The coolest thing about the event is that I will be on the actual flight deck of the Midway during the fireworks and I'll get the chance to touch several Naval Aircraft that are on display there. Too cool right?
Well Space travellers, It's been a long day, and I still have another day's post to get you all caught up on my adventures. Stay strong, and wash your hands frequently.
So as I enjoy my wine, I share with you the lyrics which have haunted my mind ever since I first heard them.
They took your life apart, and called you failure's art, but they were wrong though, and they won't know, until tomorrow.
~Elliott Smith - "Tomorrow, Tomorrow"
So here's to tomorrow. Cheers.
After what seemed hours of nonstop agony, the small hurdles that was the weekend and me not having health insurance seemed trivial. Fortunate for me, my cousin Krista had a doctor friend who was able to get me some prescription medicine. I'll be on antibiotics for the next few days which means no swimming; sad panda, Chi.
As I go to sleep tonight, I wonder if I'll need my alarm clock or if'll be awoke by the pain again. It will be a game; a sport. I hates sports. anyway, goodnight space travellers, I hope all your ears feel good. Love them. Love your ears. Listen to them... only.
This photo is from my grandmother's High school graduation, circa 1935. She was very beautiful.
Madeline Kerr, 1918 - 2007
Once I got to Yuma, I was below sea level and of all things to see on the sea floor I saw airplanes! I love airplanes. Said little creatures looked like they were tied to the ground. What a shame.
Very shortly after Yuma, I enter a small mountain range. The mountains were really cool, but I knew I'd see better before the day was up.
After the small mountain range, I entered and large area of sand dunes. The photo above shows the tire tracks of local off road vehicles as they climbed the dunes. I could tell JFK wanted to stop, but I knew that getting to San Diego was top priority. that and I told my Pops I wouldn't go off-roading.
The dunes soon faded and I entered the lower mountains in California. Going from what was below sea level earlier in the day, to now what was above 4000ft. And as a special surprise, guess what? Earth propellers! Keep the world spinning California!
The mountains weren't all fun though. The bummer police A.K.A. the border patrol had a checkpoint set up. I had to answer a bunch of questions.
BP: Are you traveling alone?
Chi: Yes.
BP: Who owns all the stuff in the back [of the car]?"
Chi: I do.
BP: You sure?
Chi: Yes.
BP: You have any cocaine or marijuana in there?
Chi: Nope.
BP: You sure?
Chi: Positive.
BP: Where you headed? Are you from in state?
Chi: San Diego, to see family. I'm from Missouri.
BP: Are you a citizen of the USA?
Chi: Blue blooded american sir.
BP: Welcome to California.
Phew... Good thing he didn't ask me if I was traveling with any Afghan black tar heroin. I'd sure be in a pinch. Just as a side note, I wasn't asked to provide any documentation either. May I also bring to your attention, I drive a station wagon. In the back I chose to cover up my belongings with a black blanket. I look pretty suspect, yet no fifth degree? I kinda wish I had picked of an illegal just for sport. I guess I'll save it for the next road trip. Or I can smuggle a Canadian over the border when I'm in Washington.
Take that system! Remember the name! I am Chi, space traveler to the internet bored, and nerd alike. I am the trouble maker on the interstate. I'm so cool I stop at green lights and I'm not sorry!