So my ear hole went on the warpath today. I was awoke by the unearthly throbbing pain that was my left ear. I know I've reported that it was getting better space travelers, but listen hear (<--good pun, no?) when ears attack, we lose. I'm talking unreal pain. the kind of pain that interrupts sentences, and talks during the movies. How rude.
I tried many methods to cure the pain. The first, passive aggressive: Ignore the pain. Next, I tried to use positive reenforcement, and focus on those moments when the pain was not so bad. At one point acceptance: I simply reminded myself that eventually the pain would go away, I'd just lose my hearing. I walked around imagining being def in one ear. I imagined a life holding my phone to only my right side.
As none of these methods worked, I began to lose hope. The self medication of ear drops for swimmer's ear and a 600mg Ibuprofen every 6 hours just wasn't cutting it. I tried to sleep but I was awoken. As I lay twisted in pain on my bed; prisoner to each stab that was the pain, I looked on the dresser and there was the house cat, Daisy (a male cat...) lounging.
My motions on the bed as I rolled around must have reminded the cat of what other cats look like rolling around. Occasionally, I'd let out a small moan. I'd look to see if the cat showed any sympathy for me, but Daisy only laid in wait. His expression as if to say: "pet me."
After what seemed hours of nonstop agony, the small hurdles that was the weekend and me not having health insurance seemed trivial. Fortunate for me, my cousin Krista had a doctor friend who was able to get me some prescription medicine. I'll be on antibiotics for the next few days which means no swimming; sad panda, Chi.
As I go to sleep tonight, I wonder if I'll need my alarm clock or if'll be awoke by the pain again. It will be a game; a sport. I hates sports. anyway, goodnight space travellers, I hope all your ears feel good. Love them. Love your ears. Listen to them... only.
3 Bumper Stickers:
You should really get some health insurance. What if you have a major accident? You'll be in debt the rest of your life. think about it, be responsible. At least some accident or catastrophic coverage.
I hope someday that I am a part of the US population with coverage. Perhaps my return to UMR will come with insurance through the school.
Damn man. Sorry hear 'bout the ear. Go go antibotics! Medical science is real.
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